Ramsey Electronics Car Stereo System AF1 User Guide

E - Z CW  
Ramsey Electronics Model No.  
Here’s a quick and easy way to eliminate interfering CW  
signals! This filter uses a digital bandpass filter to knock out  
those unwanted signals. The adjustable center frequency and  
switchable bandwidth add some versatility to this hard working  
Utilizes “state of the art” switched capacitor bandpass filter IC’s !  
Four selectable bandwidths - 750 Hz, 500 Hz, 250 Hz, and 100 Hz -  
all with digital accuracy.  
Adjustable filter center frequency for convenient listening.  
Overload protected input accepts headphone or speaker level  
“Smart” power input allows for AC or DC operation.  
Audio bypass when unit is switched off - no need to disconnect  
unit when not in use.  
Speaker and headphone level outputs with adjustable volume. No  
need for an external audio amp.  
Ramsey Publication No. MAF1  
Price $5.00  
AF1 CW  
Introduction to the AF1.................. 4  
How it works.................................. 5  
Parts list ........................................ 6  
AF1 Assembly instructions............ 8  
Schematic diagram ..................... 10  
Parts Layout diagram.................. 11  
Hook-up configurations................ 13  
Troubleshooting ........................... 14  
Ramsey kit warranty .................... 15  
590 Fishers Station Drive  
Victor, New York 14564  
Phone (585) 924-4560  
Fax (585) 924-4555  
AF1 3  
Radio men know that the CW signal is the most reliable mode of  
transmission when operating on the amateur radio bands. There are,  
however, some inherent problems that exist in CW reception.  
When listening to a carrier wave, or CW signal, our receiver is simply letting  
us hear the difference between the local oscillator inside the radio and the  
desired receive frequency. While this is the simplest form of reception (no  
demodulation of the signal is required) it is also prone to receiving multiple  
signals at one time making the desired carrier quite difficult to copy.  
In an attempt to limit the number of carriers heard through the receiver one of  
the easiest solutions is to filter the received audio to only allow a single CW  
tone to be heard. That's where the Ramsey AF1 filter comes in to help.  
The audio filter board creates an audio frequency bandpass filter to remove  
the undesired tones. It also has a selectable bandwidth (the width of the  
bandpass filter) of 100, 250, 500, or 750 Hz. The center frequency of this  
filter is also tunable from 400 - 1000 Hz, so you can tune the radio to  
frequency that you would like to hear, not to whatever frequency the filter  
wants to “listen to”.  
When designing the new Ramsey SX series of HF frequency transceivers,  
our engineers developed a superior audio filter using the latest in switched  
capacitance filter technology integrated circuits. In fact, the filter performed  
so well that our AF1 kit is a "spin-off" from the HF radio project.  
AF1 4  
Let’s have a look at what makes our audio filter so special. Have a look at the  
schematic diagram and follow along.  
First, having a look at the power supply section of the AF1 notice that diodes  
D3, 6, 7,and 8 form a full wave bridge rectifier. We used this configuration so  
that an AC or DC power source may be used for the unit (and the polarity  
connection for a DC supply can be either way). This “raw” voltage is smoothed  
by several large capacitors and routed to the voltage regulator IC to provide a  
crystal clear source of DC voltage for the filter IC’s. You’ll also notice a few  
bypass capacitors on the supply in case any of those nasty RF signals try to  
get in and mess up the power supply.  
At the heart of our kit is a pair of the MF8 switched capacitor bandpass filter  
IC’s. Without these little marvels of technology this kit would not even exist!  
Included on each chip is a pair of bandpass filters which can be cascaded to  
provide sharper filter characteristics, a “Q LOGIC” binary input to set the filter  
bandwidth, an adjustable internal oscillator to provide the center frequency for  
our filter, and an extra op-amp to boot! Even the usually stingy data book  
devotes 16 pages to the design possibilities for this hard working IC. The  
overall bandwidth is controlled using switches S2 and S3 to provide a binary  
input at the B, C, and D inputs of the MF8 IC. Resistors R12 and R13, along  
with capacitor C8 provide the RC timing component necessary for the CMOS  
The rest of the circuit is pretty straight forward - with whatever features could  
be built in. The power switch doubles as an audio bypass, or feed through  
when in the “OFF” position. Input protection diodes D1 and 2 limit the audio  
input voltage to protect the valuable filter IC’s. Headphone jack J2 is set up to  
accommodate either stereo or mono headsets, and headphone use will switch  
the external speaker output off when the jack is inserted.  
The headset / speaker output is from the LM380 audio amp IC. This chip  
provides about 3 watts of noise free audio with a minimum of external  
AF1 5  
Please check the boxes after the components have been identified, and now  
is a good time to “sort” the like components into groups or bins (an egg  
carton does nicely) to avoid using the wrong component during assembly.  
Please note that the kit contains some “special” 1 % tolerance resistors.  
They can be easily identified by the fact that they contain an extra color  
band, due to their more specific values. When identifying the resistors, first  
we’ll sort the “normal” resistors, followed by the closer tolerance parts.  
ˆ 2 100 ohm resistors [brown-black-brown] (R21, 22)  
ˆ 3 1K ohm resistors [brown-black-red] (R19, 20, 23)  
ˆ 5 10K ohm resistors [brown-black-orange] (R10, 11, 15, 16, 17)  
ˆ 3 47K ohm resistors [yellow-violet-orange] (R1,3,8)  
ˆ 3 100K ohm resistors [brown-black-yellow] (R5,6,12)  
ˆ 1 750K ohm resistor [violet-green-yellow] (R2)  
ˆ 1 49.9K ohm resistor [yellow-white-white-red] (R7)  
ˆ 1 147K ohm resistor [brown-yellow-violet-orange] (R9)  
ˆ 1 294K ohm resistor [red-white-yellow-orange] (R4)  
ˆ 1 10K ohm PC mount potentiometer (R14)  
ˆ 1 100K ohm PC mount potentiometer (R13)  
ˆ 1 100 pF mica capacitor [marked 100 or 101] (C8)  
ˆ 2 .001 uF disc capacitor [marked .001 or 102] (C2, 5)  
ˆ 6 .01 uF disc capacitor [marked .01 or 103 or 10nF] (C10, 12, 14, 15,  
16, 17)  
ˆ 3 .1 uF disc capacitor [marked .1 or 104] (C1, 4, 13)  
ˆ 5 10 uF electrolytic capacitors (C3, 6, 7, 19, 20)  
ˆ 3 1000 uF electrolytic capacitors (C9, 11, 18)  
ˆ 2 1N4148 diodes [glass case with black band] (D1, 2)  
ˆ 5 1N4002 diode [epoxy case marked 1N4002] (D3, 5, 6, 7, 8)  
ˆ 1 Light Emitting Diode [LED] (D4)  
ˆ 1 7808 voltage regulator [marked 7808] (VR1)  
ˆ 2 MF8 switched capacitance filter IC [16 pin DIP marked MF8] (U1, 2)  
ˆ 1 LM380 audio amplifier IC [14 pin DIP marked LM380N] (U3)  
AF1 6  
ˆ 1 2.5mm power jack (J4)  
ˆ 2 PC mount RCA jacks (J1, 3)  
ˆ 3 DPDT pushbutton switch (S1, 2, 3)  
ˆ 1 1/4” stereo headphone jack (J2)  
ˆ 1 AF1 printed circuit board  
There are numerous solder connections on the AF1 printed circuit board.  
Therefore, PLEASE take us seriously when we say that good soldering is  
essential to the proper operation of your transmitter!  
Use a 25-watt soldering pencil with a clean, sharp tip.  
Use only rosin-core solder intended for electronics use.  
Use bright lighting, a magnifying lamp or bench-style magnifier may  
be helpful.  
Do your work in stages, taking breaks to check your work. Carefully  
brush away wire cuttings so they don't lodge between solder  
We have a two-fold "strategy" for the order of the following kit assembly  
steps. First, we install parts in physical relationship to each other, so there's  
minimal chance of inserting wires into wrong holes. Second, whenever  
possible, we install in an order that fits our "Learn-As-You Build" Kit building  
philosophy. This entails describing the circuit that you are building, instead of  
just blindly installing components. We hope that this will not only make  
assembly of our kits easier, but help you to understand the circuit you’re  
For each part, our word "Install" always means these steps:  
1. Pick the correct part value to start with.  
2. Insert it into the correct PC board location.  
3. Orient it correctly, follow the PC board drawing and the written  
directions for all parts - especially when there's a right way  
and a wrong way to solder it in. (Diode bands, electrolytic  
capacitor polarity, transistor shapes, dotted or notched ends  
of IC's, and so forth.)  
4. Solder all connections unless directed otherwise. Use enough  
heat and solder flow for clean, shiny, completed connections.  
AF1 7  
Now, let's get building!  
Since you may appreciate some “warm-up” soldering practice as well as a  
chance to put some “landmarks” on the PC board, we’ll first install some  
“hardware” components. This will also help us to get acquainted with the up -  
down, left - right orientation of the circuit board. Remember that the  
components will be mounted on the “component” side of the circuit board  
and soldered on the “solder” side of the circuit board.  
ˆ 1. Identify and install DPDT switch S3. Be sure to push the switch flat to  
the circuit board. Solder all six connections.  
ˆ 2. In the same manner install DPDT toggle switches S1 and S2. Once  
again, be sure to push the component flush to the circuit board before  
ˆ 3. Install R14, the PC mount 10K ohm potentiometer. Solder all the  
connections for secure, trouble free adjustment.  
ˆ 4. Install R13, the 100K ohm PC mount potentiometer.  
ˆ 5. Moving to the rear of the circuit board, install J1 and J3, the PC mount  
RCA type. Solder all four connections securely.  
ˆ 6. Inspect the 1/4” headphone jack. Notice the seven pins protruding  
from the bottom of the component. Be sure that none of these  
connecting pins have been bent over before installing J2. Solder all  
Next we’ll begin our “learn as you build” with the power supply section of the  
circuit. Pay particular attention to the placement of the polarized components  
as they can overheat (and even explode) if installed incorrectly.  
ˆ 7. Install J4, the 2.5 mm power jack.  
ˆ 8. Install C17, .01 uF disc capacitor [marked .01 or 103 or 10nF].  
ˆ 9. Install diode D8, 1N4002 type [marked 1N4002].  
When installing a diode, pay careful attention to the  
direction that the banded end faces. It must be  
installed as shown in the parts diagram for proper  
operation. Also, this component should be mounted  
“standing up” with the component leads bent as  
ˆ 10. In the same manner, install diodes D7, 3, and 6, all 1N4002 type.  
ˆ 11. Install C18, 1000 uF electrolytic capacitor. Electrolytic capacitors are  
polarized with a (+) and a (-) lead and must be installed in the correct  
orientation. Ordinarily, only the negative side is marked on the capacitor  
body with a dark band and the (-) sign clearly shown, while PC boards  
will usually show the (+) hole location. Use care to ensure proper  
AF1 8  
polarity. See the parts diagram for proper placement. The capacitor  
should fit snugly down to the PC board.  
When installing the components be sure to save some of the longer clipped  
leads to use later as “jumper” wires.  
ˆ 12. Install C11, another 1000 uF electrolytic capacitor. Be sure to  
observe the proper polarity.  
ˆ 13. Install C19, 10 uF electrolytic. Again, remember that polarity!  
ˆ 14. Identify VR1, the 7808 voltage regulator [marked 7808]. This  
component, too, has a right and wrong way to be installed. Be sure the  
writing on the component faces inward toward the center of the PC  
board. Using gentle pressure push the part about 1/4” from the circuit  
board, and solder. See the parts diagram for proper installation.  
ˆ 15. Install C20, 10 uF electrolytic capacitor. Is that polarity correct?!  
ˆ 16. Using some of the scrap component leads, form and install jumper  
wire JMP1 in the holes provided in the PC board. Jumper wires act like  
little electronic “bridges” carrying signals from the bottom to the top side  
of the circuit board, and then back to the bottom side again.  
ˆ 17. Grab some more scraps of leads, form and install JMP2, 3, 4. Hey,  
this is better than recycling - if we keep this up there won’t be anything to  
throw away!  
ˆ 18. Install C9, the last large 1000 uF electrolytic capacitor. Be sure to  
observe the proper polarity.  
ˆ 19. Install D5, 1N4002 type diode. Note that the part stands up, and,  
watch which way the banded end is pointed.  
ˆ That wasn’t so bad, now was it! You’ve just completed the bridge  
rectifier, filter, and regulation of your AF1 power supply. Take a moment  
now to check parts placement and inspect the solder side of the board  
for any solder opens or “bridges” between components or foil runs.  
Touch up any solder connections that are less than perfect. Now its time  
to get building the audio path through the AF1.  
ˆ 20. Install C16 (its adjacent to J3 towards the rear of the PC board),  
.01 uF disc [marked .01 or 103 or 10nF].  
ˆ 21. Install C15, .01 uF disc [marked .01 or 103 or  
ˆ 22. Install R19, 1K ohm [brown-black-red]. Note that  
this component is mounted standing up. Resistors  
aren’t polarized, so you can install it either way.  
AF1 9  
ˆ 23. Install R22 and R21, both 100 ohm [brown-black-brown]. They are  
also mounted standing up.  
ˆ 24. Install stand up resistor R20, 1K ohm [brown-black-red].  
ˆ 25. Form and install diode D1, a 1N4148 type small signal diode [small  
glass case with black band]. Be sure to orient the part as shown in the  
parts placement diagram.  
ˆ 26. In the same manner, install diode D2, another 1N4148. Note that the  
polarity of this diode is reversed.  
ˆ 27. Install C4, .1 uF disc capacitor [marked .1 or 104].  
ˆ 28. Install R8, 47K ohm [yellow-violet-orange]. Remember to stand up  
the component.  
ˆ 29. Install C5, .001 uF disc capacitor [marked .001 or 102].  
ˆ 30. Form and install R9, 147K ohm [brown-yellow-violet-orange]. Figured  
out that 4 band code yet? The colors are the same value, just one more  
in the sequence i.e. brown (1)-yellow (4)-violet (7)-orange (000) = 147K !  
AF1 10  
AF1 11  
ˆ 31. Using a scrap component lead, form and install JMP11.  
ˆ 32. Install C13, .1 uF disc [marked .1 or 104].  
ˆ 33. Install C2, .001 uF disc capacitor [marked 102 or .001].  
ˆ 34. Install R1, 47K ohm [yellow-violet-orange]. I’ll bet you didn’t forget to  
stand it up.  
ˆ 35. Install C10, .01 uF disc capacitor [marked .01 or 103 or 10nF].  
ˆ 36. Install C12, .01 uF disc cap (that's snazzy electronics lingo for  
capacitor). Again, its marked .01 or 103 or 10nF.  
Seems like we put this off forever, but it is now time to install the LM380  
audio amplifier IC. Be advised that an IC socket IS NOT advisable in this  
application as the large copper trace acts as a heat “sink” for the IC. This  
prevents the chip from overheating when in use.  
ˆ 37. Now that you’re all warmed up with your soldering iron (pun  
intended), install the LM380 14 pin IC. Notice that one end of the chip is  
marked with a dot, notch, or band. Be sure to orient this end as shown in  
the parts diagram.  
ˆ 38. Install C1, .1 uF disc capacitor [marked .1 or 104].  
ˆ 39. Install R6, 100K ohm [ brown-black-yellow].  
ˆ 40. Install C6, 10 uF electrolytic. Check polarity when installing this part.  
ˆ 41. Using some more of your scrap component leads, form and install  
JMP5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Circuit board space gets pretty tight underneath the  
MF8 IC’s so a few jumpers are needed to complete the necessary  
connections to the chip.  
ˆ 42. Install C3, 10 uF electrolytic. Did you check the orientation?  
ˆ 43. Install C8, 100 pF mica type disc cap [marked 100 or 101].  
ˆ 44. Install R12, 100K ohm [brown-black-yellow].  
ˆ 45. Install R4, 294K ohm [red-white-yellow-orange]. It is mounted lying  
down - I sure hope it doesn’t fall asleep on the job!  
ˆ 46. Install R16, 15, and 11; all 10K ohm stand up resistors [brown-black-  
ˆ 47. Install C7, 10 uF electrolytic capacitor. Check the polarity.  
ˆ 48. Install R10, 10K ohm [brown-black-orange].  
ˆ 49. Form and install JMP10, the last jumper wire.  
ˆ 50. Install R17, 10K ohm [brown-black-orange]. Notice that I’m not  
reminding you to stand it up anymore.  
AF1 12  
51. Install R3, 47K ohm [yellow-violet-orange].  
ˆ 52. Install R2, 750K ohm [violet-green-yellow].  
ˆ 53. Install R5, 100K ohm [brown-black-yellow].  
ˆ 54. Install R7, 49.9K ohm [yellow-white-white-red].  
ˆ 55. Install C14, .01 uF disc capacitor [marked .01 or 103 or 10nF].  
ˆ 56. Now we’ll install the two MF8 switched capacitance bandpass filter  
IC’s. If you prefer to use an IC socket, you may install one if you wish.  
Be aware, however, that our techies find more repair problems due to  
sockets than due to chips burned out from overheating with a soldering  
iron. Be extra careful not to “bridge” the printed circuit traces together.  
Notice that one end of the chip is marked with a dot, notch, or band. Be  
sure to orient this end as shown in the parts diagram.  
ˆ 57. Install R23, 1K ohm [brown-black-red]. It mounts  
standing up.  
ˆ 57. Lastly, we have to wire the power “on” indicator  
LED. LED’s are polarized, so be sure to orient the long  
lead as shown in the diagram. The leads will slide  
through the holes on the top of the switch contacts. Be  
sure to leave enough lead length on the diode so it can  
“poke through” the front panel.  
You have just completed your AF1 CW audio filter unit. Take a well  
deserved break now. Give your eyes a rest. When you return, be sure to  
check over your work on the  
entire circuit board. Energizing the circuit board with solder “bridges” or  
misplaced components can damage your kit. Five minutes well spent now  
can save hours of troubleshooting time and dollars in expensive replacement  
We know that your itching to use your audio filter, so here are the testing  
instructions to verify the operation of your filter.  
ˆ Connect a suitable power supply (12-14 V AC or DC) to the power jack.  
ˆ Connect an audio source (an audio function generator does nicely, but  
you may use the actual rig you’re going to connect your filter to, provided  
you are capable of receiving a 400 - 1000 Hz tone).  
AF1 13  
ˆ Connect an audio output device such as a speaker or headset to the  
appropriate jack (J1 or J2, respectively). With switch S1 in the off  
position you should be able to hear the tone under test.  
ˆ Set switches S2 and S3 in the “out” position for maximum bandwidth.  
Push in switch S1 to energize the circuit.  
Bandwidth S2  
ˆ Adjust R14 for the proper volume level.  
ˆ You can now experiment with your kit by  
changing the tone frequencies with the audio  
generator and following with the center  
frequency adjustment of the AF1.  
ˆ By changing the position of switches S2 and  
S3 you can change the bandwidth of the audio  
filter. The chart describes the switch/bandwidth  
for the AF1.  
You should be able to “hear” the differences in the bandpass filters. Try and  
plot a few data points for frequency vs loudness and you should be able to  
plot the different bandwidths. This is by no means an exact measurement but  
it is impressive that this digitally controlled switched capacitance filter is  
responding to your commands -and - you did it yourself!  
While we had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, if you’re having trouble with  
your kit here are a few suggestions. Use a methodical trouble shooting  
technique - a clear head and a voltmeter are all that are usually required to  
correct any problem. Rest assured that both of the MF8 IC’s have been pre-  
tested before they were included in your kit. More times than not a part in  
the wrong place causes the problem, so ask a friend to check your work as  
well. Try not to be discouraged, working backwards through the assembly  
steps will usually lead you to the problem.  
We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the construction and use of this  
Ramsey Kit. As always, we have tried to compose our manual in the easiest,  
most “user friendly” format that is possible. As our customers, we value your  
opinions, comments, and additions that you would like to see in future  
publications. Please submit comments or ideas to:  
Ramsey Electronics Inc.  
Attn. Hobby Kit Department  
590 Fishers Station Drive  
Victor, NY 14564  
And once again, thanks from the folks at Ramsey!  
The Ramsey Kit Warranty  
Please read carefully BEFORE calling or writing in about your kit. Most  
problems can be solved without contacting the factory.  
Notice that this is not a "fine print" warranty. We want you to understand your rights and ours too! All  
Ramsey kits will work if assembled properly. The very fact that your kit includes this new manual is  
your assurance that a team of knowledgeable people have field-tested several "copies" of this kit  
straight from the Ramsey Inventory. If you need help, please read through your manual carefully, all  
information required to properly build and test your kit is contained within the pages!  
1. DEFECTIVE PARTS: It's always easy to blame a part for a problem in your kit, Before you conclude  
that a part may be bad, thoroughly check your work. Today's semiconductors and passive components  
have reached incredibly high reliability levels, and it’s sad to say that our human construction skills  
have not! But on rare occasions a sour component can slip through. All our kit parts carry the Ramsey  
Electronics Warranty that they are free from defects for a full ninety (90) days from the date of  
purchase. Defective parts will be replaced promptly at our expense. If you suspect any part to be  
defective, please mail it to our factory for testing and replacement. Please send only the defective part  
(s), not the entire kit. The part(s) MUST be returned to us in suitable condition for testing. Please be  
aware that testing can usually determine if the part was truly defective or damaged by assembly or  
usage. Don't be afraid of telling us that you 'blew-it', we're all human and in most cases, replacement  
parts are very reasonably priced.  
2. MISSING PARTS: Before assuming a part value is incorrect, check the parts listing carefully to see  
if it is a critical value such as a specific coil or IC, or whether a RANGE of values is suitable (such as  
"100 to 500 uF"). Often times, common sense will solve a mysterious missing part problem. If you're  
missing five 10K ohm resistors and received five extra 1K resistors, you can pretty much be assured  
that the '1K ohm' resistors are actually the 'missing' 10 K parts ("Hum-m-m, I guess the 'red' band  
really does look orange!") Ramsey Electronics project kits are packed with pride in the USA. If you  
believe we packed an incorrect part or omitted a part clearly indicated in your assembly manual as  
supplied with the basic kit by Ramsey, please write or call us with information on the part you need  
and proof of kit purchase.  
To qualify for Ramsey Electronics factory repair, kits MUST:  
1. NOT be assembled with acid core solder or flux.  
2. NOT be modified in any manner.  
3. BE returned in fully-assembled form, not partially assembled.  
4. BE accompanied by the proper repair fee. No repair will be undertaken until we have received the  
MINIMUM repair fee (1/2 hour labor) of $25.00, or authorization to charge it to your credit card  
5. INCLUDE a description of the problem and legible return address. DO NOT send a separate letter;  
include all correspondence with the unit. Please do not include your own hardware such as  
Ramsey cabinets, knobs, cables, external battery packs and the like. Ramsey Electronics, Inc.,  
reserves the right to refuse repair on ANY item in which we find excessive problems or damage due  
to construction methods. To assist customers in such situations, Ramsey Electronics, Inc., reserves  
the right to solve their needs on a case-by-case basis.  
The repair is $50.00 per hour, regardless of the cost of the kit. Please understand that our technicians  
are not volunteers and that set-up, testing, diagnosis, repair and repacking and paperwork can take  
nearly an hour of paid employee time on even a simple kit. Of course, if we find that a part was  
defective in manufacture, there will be no charge to repair your kit (But please realize that our  
technicians know the difference between a defective part and parts burned out or damaged through  
improper use or assembly).  
4. REFUNDS: You are given ten (10) days to examine our products. If you are not satisfied, you may  
return your unassembled kit with all the parts and instructions and proof of purchase to the factory for  
a full refund. The return package should be packed securely. Insurance is recommended. Please do  
not cause needless delays, read all information carefully.  
AF1 15  
Quick Reference Page Guide  
Introduction to the AF1 .................. 4  
How it works .................................. 5  
Parts list......................................... 6  
AF1 Assembly instructions ............ 8  
Schematic diagram...................... 10  
Parts Layout diagram................... 11  
Hook-up configurations.................13  
Ramsey kit warranty .....................15  
Soldering Iron (WLC100)  
Thin Rosin Core Solder (RTS12)  
Needle Nose Pliers (MPP4 or RTS05)  
Small Diagonal Cutters (RTS04)  
Helping Hands Holder for PC Board/Parts (HH3)  
Technician’s Tool Kit (TK405)  
Desoldering Braid (RTS08)  
Price: $5.00  
Ramsey Publication No. MAF1  
Assembly and Instruction manual for:  
Beginner .............. 3.5 hrs  
Intermediate ........ 2 hrs  
Advanced............. 1.5 hrs  
590 Fishers Station Drive  
Victor, New York 14564  
(585) 924-4560  
(585) 924-4555  

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